Selling Your Vehicle in Santa Fe, NM?

Come to Orale MVD Services for title transfer services

When you buy or sell a vehicle, you'll need to make sure that all of your paperwork is in order. One of the most important documents to take care of is the car title.

If you need to transfer a car title in New Mexico, then call on Orale MVD Services LLC. We'll help with the sale and make sure that the MVD's records are updated with the new owner's information. Learn more about our title transfer services in Santa Fe, NM today by calling 505-819-0225.

Don't leave yourself vulnerable to the risks of an outdated title

Don't leave yourself vulnerable to the risks of an outdated title

It's important to have your car title up to date with the correct owner's information as soon as the vehicle's ownership changes hands. Failing to get title transfer services leaves both the buyer and seller vulnerable to risks like...

  • The seller's liability if the new owner crashes the car
  • The seller's liability if the new owner runs into legal trouble
  • The buyer's risk of the seller claiming vehicle theft

Connect with someone on our staff about what paperwork you'll need to transfer a car title in New Mexico.